Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well, maybe not so "breaking" but we are finally filling everyone in on what we've known for awhile...


We are so thrilled to be eleven weeks pregnant!  I am due on June 23, 2008.  We go to the doctor again on Monday November 24.  

We are excited to be parents again and Deven is excited (we hope) to be a big sister. Tyler and I would love to have a whole house full, so I guess we are on our way! 

Please pray that we will have a healthy, happy nine months and more importantly that we can survive and thrive with two under two!  We are excited and nervous all over again, but that just comes with the territory.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving planned.  We are going to be staying in Jonesboro and hanging out with my family this year. But on Saturday we are going to Hardy to see Tyler's family on his dad's side.  Hopefully I can get lots of fun pictures!


The 5 Simpsons said...

I'm so glad it is public news now, so I can't "mess up"! I love ya'll and we are so excited for you. It will be crazy but so fun!

Meghan Phillips said...

AWW! I'm so excited for you guys! When are you gonna call me for some family photos!?

Jeff, Sarah, Lydia & Jack Henry said...

Congratulations!! I know you guys must be so excited!!

Beth said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys. I loved having Carlie and Makena close together. There will be days when you want to pull your hair out, but then they grow up to be best friends!

The 5 Simpsons said...

I have tagged you. See my blog for the rules.