Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas... Part 4

Okay, so this is the last one... I promise!  One of the miracles that unraveled at our Christmas celebration this year was that my Nana got her class ring back after it had been missing for 25-30 years!  Apparently, when my biological mom and dad were "dating" (they were only like 14-16 at the time) my mom had given it to him.  Recently, while going through some things in his attic, he stumbled across it, and was able to mail it to me so that I could return it to her this Christmas.  She was so thrilled.  It was something she had always talked about when I was growing up about how she wished she had it- especially when Lyndsey and I ordered our class rings.  So, now she has it back!

Nana's class ring- Valley View High School, Class of 1961
Cousin Sydney, a freshman at Univ of Alabama, wanted "meat money" for Christmas so that she wouldn't have to eat in the Cafeteria all the time!
Deven Shea loved her Peek-A-Blocks from Aunt Z (Lyndsey)

In closing, I hope everyone has not gotten overwhelmed with the magnitute of the 4 part saga of Christmas celebrations at the Isbell House!  I hope you all had a blessed new year and are as excited as I am about 2009!  Love and God Bless!


Beth said...

That is really neat about your grandmothers ring:) Thanks for asking about Makena. We haven't been doing our diet exactly like we should, but I plan to start back next week. It's still really hard for both of us. Please continue to pray for her. Glad you all had a good Christmas:)