Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belated Merry Christmas Everyone! Part 1

Well, with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I am a little late getting our Christmas pictures up.  Deven did not rip into presents as I had hoped, but she still had fun with all her new toys.  Tyler and I think we had said "No, No, No" to her a few too many times to keep her curious little hands out of the presents, that when it was finally time to open them, she thought, "I don't know about this!"  After a few presents, she was kinda overwhelmed so we even saved a few for the day after Christmas.  We had a great time though traveling to Charleston, MO to see Tyler's family and then spending the 26th at my Nana's and Papa's here in Jonesboro.  My favorite Christmas present was my clean house courtesy of my Mom who came to clean it after we left for MO.  Talk about a blessing.  That was the best.  Anyway, here are a few pictures of all the festivities:

Deven and Uncle Walker with her "big" present, a "Little People" nativity set.

Deven with her V-Smile from Nonni and Pop

Daddy and Deven opening presents